Recommended by Christopher Plumridge

  • Christopher Plumridge: Three Sisters

    Being one of 4 siblings myself I can easily relate to this wonderful play by Jan, the three sisters relationship is beautiful, real and emotional. And as an occasional director I would love to produce this! Excellent!

    Being one of 4 siblings myself I can easily relate to this wonderful play by Jan, the three sisters relationship is beautiful, real and emotional. And as an occasional director I would love to produce this! Excellent!

  • Christopher Plumridge: A ROOM WITH A BIT OF MAGIC (a monologue)

    This is a lovely short monologue by Marj, I could clearly visualize a young actress (how I perceived it anyway) seeing her wonderful costume ahead of her big break in theatre. As an amatuer actor myself its great to be allowed to wear a 'professional' costume! A lovely piece well worth a read.

    This is a lovely short monologue by Marj, I could clearly visualize a young actress (how I perceived it anyway) seeing her wonderful costume ahead of her big break in theatre. As an amatuer actor myself its great to be allowed to wear a 'professional' costume! A lovely piece well worth a read.

  • Christopher Plumridge: Miss Education

    Miss Education really does live up to its title, an old style Education film played out with its important message of its day, now laughably dated. Very well written by Kyle, I can see this being played out on stage with a projected backdrop. I loved this, do give it a read otherwise you will be 'unclean' ! Great stuff!!

    Miss Education really does live up to its title, an old style Education film played out with its important message of its day, now laughably dated. Very well written by Kyle, I can see this being played out on stage with a projected backdrop. I loved this, do give it a read otherwise you will be 'unclean' ! Great stuff!!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Ava Takes Up Aviation

    I love the title of this play and John makes this piece as funny as it is grave. Ava's antics in the tree spark concern in her two friends who do their best to bring her down safely while consoling their drug fueled friend on her lost love. Marvellous!

    I love the title of this play and John makes this piece as funny as it is grave. Ava's antics in the tree spark concern in her two friends who do their best to bring her down safely while consoling their drug fueled friend on her lost love. Marvellous!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Ona Judge (A Monologue)

    What a wonderful and profound monologue this is, Lee's character Ona tells us so much in such a short time and her joy is palpable as is her vision for a brighter future. I wanted more!

    What a wonderful and profound monologue this is, Lee's character Ona tells us so much in such a short time and her joy is palpable as is her vision for a brighter future. I wanted more!

  • Christopher Plumridge: That Winning Feeling

    Well I certainly got the winning feeling from this little piece by Rachel, who has successfully and quickly created a great character in Sarah, the hard done by mum. Also I couldn't help notice PC Dentons alterior motive for holding her conversation, which became evident towards the end, great stuff!

    Well I certainly got the winning feeling from this little piece by Rachel, who has successfully and quickly created a great character in Sarah, the hard done by mum. Also I couldn't help notice PC Dentons alterior motive for holding her conversation, which became evident towards the end, great stuff!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Fighting Stardust

    I am impressed at how moved I was by such a short piece, marrying the gravity of this situation by how insignificant life is on this little planet is very clever. I wanted desperately to know if they make it to safety.....Great play!

    I am impressed at how moved I was by such a short piece, marrying the gravity of this situation by how insignificant life is on this little planet is very clever. I wanted desperately to know if they make it to safety.....Great play!

  • Christopher Plumridge: She Fed the Devil (10 minute play)

    She Fed the Devil is great a great two hander with a devilish twist in the tail. I really enjoyed the dialogue between Jessie and the surprisingly polite and charming Devil. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece! Give it a read and save your soul haha!

    She Fed the Devil is great a great two hander with a devilish twist in the tail. I really enjoyed the dialogue between Jessie and the surprisingly polite and charming Devil. I thoroughly enjoyed this piece! Give it a read and save your soul haha!

  • Christopher Plumridge: The Case of the Trampled Grandmother

    Haha I love this, so clever and funny. Peter states that if it were a film it would be in black and white - perfect! I can imagine it being staged, lights coming up in sections of the stage as each witness is being interviewed by the brilliantly named detective! As an Englishman I see much more sexual innuendo that may or may not be lost to American audiences! Brilliant play!

    Haha I love this, so clever and funny. Peter states that if it were a film it would be in black and white - perfect! I can imagine it being staged, lights coming up in sections of the stage as each witness is being interviewed by the brilliantly named detective! As an Englishman I see much more sexual innuendo that may or may not be lost to American audiences! Brilliant play!

  • Christopher Plumridge: The Swallows

    This is a wonderful play by Kevin King, I can clearly see it being played out by his two complex characters on a hot summer night. The trapped lives of Shawna and Kellie Lynn, being so contrasted by the freedom of the swallows they discuss is profound, or certainly is how I read it. I like to be drawn into the reality of a situation and I certainly felt myself there in the trailer park with them. Give this a read, it's great!

    This is a wonderful play by Kevin King, I can clearly see it being played out by his two complex characters on a hot summer night. The trapped lives of Shawna and Kellie Lynn, being so contrasted by the freedom of the swallows they discuss is profound, or certainly is how I read it. I like to be drawn into the reality of a situation and I certainly felt myself there in the trailer park with them. Give this a read, it's great!