Recommended by Joe Swenson

  • Ashes of the Revolution
    28 Dec. 2023
    What an incredible play. Both from an artistic standpoint and as an empowerment play. You find yourself rooting for both Amelia and DeeDee and Calvin and their parents and everyone that's anyone to these two characters. The genius is your left to figure out who the antagonist is in this play. I think it's me and my prejudices, but to someone else reading/seeing this show it might be someone different. I love this show and highly recommend it.
  • 11:11
    23 Dec. 2023
    The construct of this play is brilliant. Staying out of the complexity of designing time travel only to leave the complexity of time travel to the many events surrounding time travel.

    James takes a stab at one of the great mysteries of writing and hits with the many twists and turns this play takes. Love the characters, love the story. Highly recommend.
  • Scott versus the Siberian Death Worm
    15 Oct. 2023
    What a fun show. Soucy has taken the fear of the unknown, pop culture fears, recent headlines, and a quick two-handed, put them into Soucy GPT (AKA his imagination) and spit out something wonderful, hilarious, tension filled, with an ending that might get messy.

    Hilarious, glad I dove in and went along for the ride. Fun show!
  • Monster Business
    2 Oct. 2023
    The charm of it all. William has us believing in monsters with real names and feelings and everything. It’s a fantastic story that has all the elements of a boardroom. Roger’s Rules of Order, constant interruption, someone’s feelings getting hurt, surprise guests. A lot of fun, seems easy to stage. Great show.
  • The Thatcher Theater Terror
    2 Oct. 2023
    Such a fun one act. Brenton builds 4 distinct and relatable characters in this “it’s okay to dream” comedy. Each character has a primary trait, but it’s the secondary ones that cause you to root for them. In the end Ben gains a clearer understanding of what’s next in his life and maybe Ashley too. I hope Rodney has good recruiting skills, he’s gonna need them. Fun show, would love to see on stage.
  • Did you do the thing yet, Joe?
    29 Sep. 2023
    I couldn’t help reflecting upon my own life while reading this. My name is Joe and I have been asked if I’ve done the thing yet, many times.

    Love this farce. It’s fast, escalates beautifully, is full of laughs and includes many cameos from celebrities that you love and hate or love to hate.

    At the end of the day this play is existential. What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything if you haven’t done the thing that you need to do? Probably still 42.

    Brilliant! Chris is so much fun!
    19 Sep. 2023
    Powerful. Delvyn Case takes us on a journey to the racist south and sadly brings to stage something relevant even today as the time continues to reverse in certain parts of the country. Delvyn hits us in the face with the dialogue and the story and it's a stark warning to those that might not want history to repeat itself. Excellent show.
    19 Sep. 2023
    I had the opportunity to be part of a reading of Bouquets of Love at Page2Stage. This show is near and dear to my heart as I served in Bosnia as a Peace Keeper Escort while in the Marine Corps (1995-1996)

    Delvyn's writing is always thought provoking, pulls at the heartstrings and overall encapsulates these amazing fragments in time where there's an oppressive force (big or small) and a victim who is fighting for what they believe or is constant. Bouquets of Love is easy to visualize but also highly emotional.
  • Good Night, Jimmy
    11 Sep. 2023
    Everyone deals with grief in different ways. 51 year old James deals with it by manifesting his younger brother as part of his bedtime routine. Darrin does an amazing job capturing the psychosis behind this type of long-grief management through James and his younger brother Johnny. In addition, the playwright does this in a manner that doesn't make James seem inferior to the audience but instead gets the audience to root for James this night and for many nights to come. It's a touching, heartbreaking story about love and grief. Great show.
  • Weekend at Herbie's
    4 Sep. 2023
    It requires dedication to the cause and Alex, Cal, and Ben have it in spades. Herbie's partied so hard that he might actually be dead, and his friends complete the perfect Coup-de-tat. Randy does a great job leaving all avenues open from the start, but then goes into overtime by ensuring our protagonist unknowingly buys into the prank as well. It's wonderfully laid out and deserves an audience. wonderful show.
