Recommended by Joe Swenson

  • Looking Back
    4 Sep. 2023
    What an amazing monologue. Would love to see a full production of this monologue, with pictures, and the life that Ruby led up to this point. Would love to see if the audience reacts the same way I did when I saw a live cold-read of this at Falmouth Footlights. There's a point where Randy lets you in on the secret and from there the unraveling begins until Randy leaves you utterly heartbroken in the end. Beautiful play.
  • Luck of the Draw
    3 Sep. 2023
    Brenton puts together a fine show about love, about losing the ability to choose love, but instead have love chosen for you.

    It's not a new premise, it's not a new take, but Brenton's version of this story creates a new angle, a new perspective on the arrangement of marriage. There's an awkwardness in Bennett that is appropriately contended by Irelynn's rawness.

    Brenton does an amazing job of keeping the audience from rooting for or against the idea of arranged marriage, but instead keeping your focus to the arc of the characters. Loved it. Great show.
  • Spooky U: Music Theory 101
    3 Sep. 2023
    Such a serious episode. Mostly. In a 1:1 session with his music professor, young Max comes to understand that even playing terribly can have a desired effect. Also, a line that I love, "The opposite of peace is not war, it's chaos." Such a true statement. Just as you dive into the exposition, Christopher takes you out with humor and more revelations. On to the next one!
  • Spooky U: Fencing Lessons
    3 Sep. 2023
    Another step in the life of dear Reggie who doesn't belong on so many platforms and yet is coming to grips with his mortality. Christopher Soucy is building a wonderful world inside of HP Lovecraft's fictional school. Paramount to this episode is the premise that no one wants to get hurt and that is a motivating factor in the reactionary sciences. Can't wait to read the next one.
  • A First-Draft Second-Rate Love Story
    3 Sep. 2023
    Yes!!!! A thousand times YES!!! This play demands an audience, demands to be staged, and demands laughter. It's brilliant.

    It takes a minute to get into it and that's the subtle nature of the art as you try to understand the story. John Busser then lands punchline after punchline in this increasingly unpredictable tour-de-force comedy that will have you laughing uncontrollably throughout the final 4 or 5 drafts.

    SO. MUCH. FUN.
  • The Wizardeth of Ozeth
    1 Sep. 2023
    Incredibly well written. Randy takes the Wizard of Oz and produces a version inspired by Shakespeare. The cleverness in the writing, establishing stakes early, and the final button that satisfies all audiences. Fantastic show.
  • Seal Island
    1 Sep. 2023
    John Patrick Bray writes a beautiful story love and being loved through a lovely creative lens. John creates a picture after picture after picture throughout this play. The characters are vibrant and three dimensional and more than along for the ride, they are integral to the entire story. I've made Maine my home for the last 25 years and the pictures, the relationships, the locations, all of it authentic. John creates complexity in emotions and mystery while delivering a fitting conclusion, one that the audience roots for without knowing they are rooting for it. Great show.
  • 9:00pm sharp: A monologue
    30 Aug. 2023
    Ryan captures the neurosis of being a parent to a teenager flawlessly. You know she was going to be late, you know there's no chance they'd be back on time and it lets your mind wonder from extrinsic motivators to the intrinsic moments of trying to remain calm. Ryan pushes the levers even further the closer you get to the end and then draws back the curtain just in time as if the play was going to end any other way than the way it ended. Great show!
  • Spooky U: Dormmates
    30 Aug. 2023
    Oh no, what have you done Christopher Soucy? Teleporting into the famed Miskatonic University, with humor, and racism (sort of), and ignorance, and blissful shortcomings. Fencing and violins. The saga begins with Max and Maurie as they entertain their new "cool" friend Reggie who happens to be Max's dormmate. Chris intertwines humor throughout his at times purposefully awkward dialogue. Finishing with a humorous button, I can't wait to dive into this 31 play series.
  • Drink This
    30 Aug. 2023
    I love the complexity of imagination that Rachel brings to her plays. This play doesn't disappoint in the least when it comes to imagination. Pinning potential loss into a long-lasting kindship is familiar, but when you put it to liquor it takes on a whole new meaning. The only thing that upsets me is that this show has been around for nearly 2 years and I hadn't read it yet. I smiled, I laughed, I enjoyed the entire premise, I rooted for the characters, I'm glad they kissed. What a fun show!
