Recommended by Elisabeth Giffin Speckman

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: Grown-Ass Louis


    I cannot get over this play. Wonderful. Wonderful. PRODUCE PRODUCE PRODUCE.


    I cannot get over this play. Wonderful. Wonderful. PRODUCE PRODUCE PRODUCE.

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: Even What Little She Has

    What would you give up to protect those you love?

    I found this script very fascinating and was propelled to read it all in one sitting without pause. The dialogue was a mixture of natural flow and purposefully "clogged" moments that created interesting tension. I really loved Phoebe and her journey into discovering the world and the truth about her family through Diana. I also loved the scenes between Louise and Artemis in jail. Lots of great roles in this fascinating play!

    What would you give up to protect those you love?

    I found this script very fascinating and was propelled to read it all in one sitting without pause. The dialogue was a mixture of natural flow and purposefully "clogged" moments that created interesting tension. I really loved Phoebe and her journey into discovering the world and the truth about her family through Diana. I also loved the scenes between Louise and Artemis in jail. Lots of great roles in this fascinating play!

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: Family Tree

    Gavin returns home at the behest of his sister to find their mother is slipping away. When home, Gavin and Calista rehash old hurts and reveal new secrets. Meanwhile Isabella, their mother, struggles to communicate with her children and shares instead her thoughts with the audience.

    I was really drawn to the character dynamics in this play, and Isabella in particular is an exciting, fresh, and yet haunting character all at once-- a role many actors would love to tackle.

    Gavin returns home at the behest of his sister to find their mother is slipping away. When home, Gavin and Calista rehash old hurts and reveal new secrets. Meanwhile Isabella, their mother, struggles to communicate with her children and shares instead her thoughts with the audience.

    I was really drawn to the character dynamics in this play, and Isabella in particular is an exciting, fresh, and yet haunting character all at once-- a role many actors would love to tackle.

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: Early Decision

    A delightful and surprisingly emotional short play that will both tickle audiences' funny bones and pull on their heartstrings. Who among us hasn't been afraid to venture into the next chapter of our lives alone? Mo's journey in this short play is relatable and real.

    Actors will enjoy the nuances this short play offers and a director would have all kinds of fun staging this, as well.

    A delightful and surprisingly emotional short play that will both tickle audiences' funny bones and pull on their heartstrings. Who among us hasn't been afraid to venture into the next chapter of our lives alone? Mo's journey in this short play is relatable and real.

    Actors will enjoy the nuances this short play offers and a director would have all kinds of fun staging this, as well.

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: THE WARSHIP WATERLOO

    Delightful short play written in an impressive 10 minutes ON AIR during Whiskey Theatre Festival's 1 Year Anniversary 1 Minute Play competition. Taking the prompt of "Waterloo" and "Xanadu," CROSS has crafted a rich world in 60 seconds.

    Delightful short play written in an impressive 10 minutes ON AIR during Whiskey Theatre Festival's 1 Year Anniversary 1 Minute Play competition. Taking the prompt of "Waterloo" and "Xanadu," CROSS has crafted a rich world in 60 seconds.

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: The Eyes, The Nose, The South of You / The East, West, North, and the Mouth of You (two parts of the one-minute play series Destination: Wedding)

    Absolutely love this pairing of 1 minute plays from a bride and groom's perspective. As an actor, I want to portray Jenny *very* badly someday onstage!

    Absolutely love this pairing of 1 minute plays from a bride and groom's perspective. As an actor, I want to portray Jenny *very* badly someday onstage!

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: An Acorn

    A truly masterful work.

    Within the first few lines I was instantly transported back in time, felt my chest tighten and memories flood me. I instantly knew where in time we were, as an American who lived through it in real-time, though Svich doesn't name it. The voices create both beautiful melodic moments and cacophony, and emotions swell like an orchestra.

    Really beautiful work begging to be staged, designed, choreographed, etc AND CAN BE in countless different ways. I hope it continues to be produced, like a warning and a prayer, and gain power in repetition.

    A truly masterful work.

    Within the first few lines I was instantly transported back in time, felt my chest tighten and memories flood me. I instantly knew where in time we were, as an American who lived through it in real-time, though Svich doesn't name it. The voices create both beautiful melodic moments and cacophony, and emotions swell like an orchestra.

    Really beautiful work begging to be staged, designed, choreographed, etc AND CAN BE in countless different ways. I hope it continues to be produced, like a warning and a prayer, and gain power in repetition.

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: Cold Foam (monologue)

    Haunting in its realism. The subtleties--especially the final moments--hit like a ton of bricks. Essential reading, I hope this is produced again and again.

    Haunting in its realism. The subtleties--especially the final moments--hit like a ton of bricks. Essential reading, I hope this is produced again and again.

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: The Presidency of William Henry Harrison in Real Time: A 10 Minute Play

    Funny and witty, this short piece has a surprisingly emotional and poignant moment (particularly in lieu of the 2020 election) hidden within its lightheartedness. A fine tribute to WHH and the office of the presidency--truly.

    Funny and witty, this short piece has a surprisingly emotional and poignant moment (particularly in lieu of the 2020 election) hidden within its lightheartedness. A fine tribute to WHH and the office of the presidency--truly.

  • Elisabeth Giffin Speckman: The Shark Play

    I absolutely loved this piece! The topic is fresh and exciting, the characters are fascinating, and the staging would be so much fun to figure out as a director. This is a piece that is all about timing, reaction, and the unspoken action -- something that, when done well, can be an exhilarating experience. I hope to see this on stage!

    I absolutely loved this piece! The topic is fresh and exciting, the characters are fascinating, and the staging would be so much fun to figure out as a director. This is a piece that is all about timing, reaction, and the unspoken action -- something that, when done well, can be an exhilarating experience. I hope to see this on stage!