I was fortunate to able to see a staged reading of this remarkable play at Fantasy Theatre Factory in Miami, Florida. Mr. Burdick deftly and creatively catapults us into a universe where our alliances shift constantly. The writing is top-notch and inherently theatrical. Using both fourth-wall scenes and direct address, the play's structure assists us in being privy to heart-to-hearts and drawing our own conclusions - or at the very least, more questions. A very timely and compelling look at how our school systems in place are failing students, teachers, parents and administrators. Read...
I was fortunate to able to see a staged reading of this remarkable play at Fantasy Theatre Factory in Miami, Florida. Mr. Burdick deftly and creatively catapults us into a universe where our alliances shift constantly. The writing is top-notch and inherently theatrical. Using both fourth-wall scenes and direct address, the play's structure assists us in being privy to heart-to-hearts and drawing our own conclusions - or at the very least, more questions. A very timely and compelling look at how our school systems in place are failing students, teachers, parents and administrators. Read it, produce it!