Recommended by Arianna Rose

  • Arianna Rose: Divine Intervention

    Wow. Kate Danley doesn’t pull any punches in this commentary on the societal pressures on women to be wives and breeders. So well written, with true comedic flair and razor-sharp observations. I would love to see this on stage! Read it, produce it!

    Wow. Kate Danley doesn’t pull any punches in this commentary on the societal pressures on women to be wives and breeders. So well written, with true comedic flair and razor-sharp observations. I would love to see this on stage! Read it, produce it!

  • Arianna Rose: END OF PLAY.

    Another great 'gotcha' from Philip Middleton Williams. I love a good twist at the end and the playwright delivers! A wry look at the dreaded 'feedback' all playwrights have experienced. Read it, produce it!

    Another great 'gotcha' from Philip Middleton Williams. I love a good twist at the end and the playwright delivers! A wry look at the dreaded 'feedback' all playwrights have experienced. Read it, produce it!

  • Arianna Rose: 'Til Dough Do Us Part

    Williams is a master of the 'gotcha'. In this beautifully rendered short play, we feel all the things - including great empathy and understanding. He writes with such unflinching honesty and skill, reading his plays are a pleasure, and 'Til Dough Do Us Part is no exception. It's a pandemic play, but much more than that. The characters longings and dashed hopes will keep you thinking long after the coffee's brewed.

    Williams is a master of the 'gotcha'. In this beautifully rendered short play, we feel all the things - including great empathy and understanding. He writes with such unflinching honesty and skill, reading his plays are a pleasure, and 'Til Dough Do Us Part is no exception. It's a pandemic play, but much more than that. The characters longings and dashed hopes will keep you thinking long after the coffee's brewed.

  • Arianna Rose: Chewie, Get Us Out of Here

    Sublimely silly. We all need to laugh right now, and Philip Middleton Williams manages to hit the funny in every line. Chock full of movie references, for the sci-fi geek in all of us. So much fun! Read it, produce it!

    Sublimely silly. We all need to laugh right now, and Philip Middleton Williams manages to hit the funny in every line. Chock full of movie references, for the sci-fi geek in all of us. So much fun! Read it, produce it!

  • Arianna Rose: Viral Love

    Wry and timely, this one-minute play about dating during a pandemic hits all the right notes. Philip Middleton Williams has his pulse on societal mores in the new frontier and expertly dramatizes a very human ritual. Sure to be a hit on the one-minute play circuit!

    Wry and timely, this one-minute play about dating during a pandemic hits all the right notes. Philip Middleton Williams has his pulse on societal mores in the new frontier and expertly dramatizes a very human ritual. Sure to be a hit on the one-minute play circuit!

  • Arianna Rose: Evil Anonymous

    I love love love plays that take familiar characters and cast them in a new light; and 2 points for referencing a great Motown song! Enjoy this clever and pointed satire on the Snow White Fable. I know I did! Mirror, mirror...

    I love love love plays that take familiar characters and cast them in a new light; and 2 points for referencing a great Motown song! Enjoy this clever and pointed satire on the Snow White Fable. I know I did! Mirror, mirror...

  • Arianna Rose: Fable

    FABLE is astounding in its artistry. I kept reading it, exclaiming "You can DO THAT in a play??!!" I was so sad to have it end. A longtime GYPSY fan, starting with when I played Dainty June myself in our high school production in NJ, I loved this tale of how the musical came about from June's perspective, and the price we pay with our private lives when we are public figures. Complicated mother-daughters dynamics and incisive portraits of Jerome Robbins and Arthur Laurents make for a compelling, totally human story that is riveting from first page to last.

    FABLE is astounding in its artistry. I kept reading it, exclaiming "You can DO THAT in a play??!!" I was so sad to have it end. A longtime GYPSY fan, starting with when I played Dainty June myself in our high school production in NJ, I loved this tale of how the musical came about from June's perspective, and the price we pay with our private lives when we are public figures. Complicated mother-daughters dynamics and incisive portraits of Jerome Robbins and Arthur Laurents make for a compelling, totally human story that is riveting from first page to last.

  • Arianna Rose: Micronation

    A sly satire, Ross Tedford Kendall finds the funny in a very plausible situation. Imaginative, smart, and reminiscent of the best of the Algonquin Roundtable humorists while at the same time rooted in our very modern era. Read it, produce it!

    A sly satire, Ross Tedford Kendall finds the funny in a very plausible situation. Imaginative, smart, and reminiscent of the best of the Algonquin Roundtable humorists while at the same time rooted in our very modern era. Read it, produce it!

  • Arianna Rose: ACCOMMODATION

    I was fortunate to able to see a staged reading of this remarkable play at Fantasy Theatre Factory in Miami, Florida. Mr. Burdick deftly and creatively catapults us into a universe where our alliances shift constantly. The writing is top-notch and inherently theatrical. Using both fourth-wall scenes and direct address, the play's structure assists us in being privy to heart-to-hearts and drawing our own conclusions - or at the very least, more questions. A very timely and compelling look at how our school systems in place are failing students, teachers, parents and administrators. Read...

    I was fortunate to able to see a staged reading of this remarkable play at Fantasy Theatre Factory in Miami, Florida. Mr. Burdick deftly and creatively catapults us into a universe where our alliances shift constantly. The writing is top-notch and inherently theatrical. Using both fourth-wall scenes and direct address, the play's structure assists us in being privy to heart-to-hearts and drawing our own conclusions - or at the very least, more questions. A very timely and compelling look at how our school systems in place are failing students, teachers, parents and administrators. Read it, produce it!

  • Arianna Rose: Hallmark Doesn't Make Cards for Us

    So much emotion, subtext, and drama packed in a tight ten. Jackie Martin has written a masterful short play on the ties that bind and sometimes gag us. I'm hoping someone out there does make that Hallmark line of cards! Read it, love it, produce it!

    So much emotion, subtext, and drama packed in a tight ten. Jackie Martin has written a masterful short play on the ties that bind and sometimes gag us. I'm hoping someone out there does make that Hallmark line of cards! Read it, love it, produce it!