Recommended by Christopher Plumridge

  • Better Call Shoenstein
    11 Jul. 2024
    When two great playwrights collide, I mean collaborate, you know your in for a great read.
    Norkin and Busser take us on a weird and wonderful time fracture of an adventure between now and ancient Rome, taking in famous historic characters along with characters who have appeared in these two gentlemen plays.
    The result? One hilarious short play full of jokes which will have you giggling like a loon, well until The Karen comes along!
    Brilliantly funny, bravo chaps!
  • Better Call Shoenstein
    11 Jul. 2024
    When two great playwrights collide, I mean collaborate, you know your in for a great read.
    Norkin and Busser take us on a weird and wonderful time fracture of an adventure between now and ancient Rome, taking in famous historic characters along with characters who have appeared in these two gentlemen plays.
    The result? One hilarious short play full of jokes which will have you giggling like a loon, well until The Karen comes along!
    Brilliantly funny, bravo chaps!
  • The Jar
    9 Jul. 2024
    This short play dips into some daring fantasies, some Bailey and Trip would take in their stride, others not so. A fantasy is just that, it's then up to us if we want to act them out. These two have a sweet, close relationship, so will the opening of 'The Jar' test their resolve?
    A nice short play.
  • Premature Evacuation
    8 Jul. 2024
    Being forced from ones home is bad enough, worse so in these modern times, from a peaceful country which has been invaded. Also it can test our resolve and put immense pressure on otherwise strong relationships. Agnes captures this painful scenario in a conversation between a young couple who find themselves in a cold, desolate foreign railway station. Audiences will feel for this young Ukrainian couple and hope they find peace, work and a new life even if the door behind them is permanently closed.
    A moving short play.
    6 Jul. 2024
    This monologue serves as an important message that we are all human, even those we pass through an airport, having to deal with our impatience. We've all been there, wanting to take out our frustrations on the one helpless company representative.
    Asher gives real life to this gate agent, they too are tired, frustrated and risk missing Christmas altogether. A great character for any actor to get ro grips with and act their hearts out. Great!
  • 1918
    27 Jun. 2024
    In a time of instant communication across the world which comes in many forms, it's difficult to grasp a time when we waited impatiently for just one letter in the post.
    Alaina captures this perfectly in her bitter/sweet recollection of her great grandmother's letter to her love at war. The pain and love is evident throughout this piece.
    Great play, I'd live to see this performed.
  • TIME (a one-minute radio play)
    21 Jun. 2024
    Ha, Julia tricked me! This is a fun short radio play which would be a blast to perform and to listen to. Lots of fun SFX and some serious/funny characters.
    Love it!
  • Now We Are a Hundred
    17 Jun. 2024
    Alaina presents us such a deep, heartfelt and one feels, accurate account of the taut relationship between A.A.Milne and his son Christopher Robin.
    I particularly admire the character analysis the playwright specifies for each of the three roles, which clearly show how this wonderful play should be performed, keeping loyal to the story and the characters. I also like the sweet scene titles, wouldn't it be nice to have each shown on the stage!
    A very good full length play with great, real, roles.

    Oh and there is a reason I'm called Christopher....
    13 Jun. 2024
    The realism throughout this play makes it so believable. How a couple of jerks out camping can, when building each other up, turn quite nasty.
    Carnes sets the scene perfectly, the tension builds towards a gripping ending then the finale is a perfect cliff hanger.
  • a seussified grindr date
    12 Jun. 2024
    Ha! This is one unconventional messed up date!
    It all happens so quick, as quick as Sams lines in prose.
    A clever short play!
