Recommended by Christopher Plumridge

  • Christopher Plumridge: Dark and Stormy

    Ha! This is how to make friends with a ghost in one minute!
    Dark and stormy, now that rings a bell.....

    Ha! This is how to make friends with a ghost in one minute!
    Dark and stormy, now that rings a bell.....

  • Christopher Plumridge: Hell Toupée

    You can always rely on a Busser play for a real good laugh, and this dark, devil of a play will have audiences giggling throughout.
    At what price does vanity come? Pretty high if you want to look pretty like Bill here.
    Hilarious, just damned hilarious, and I'm not splitting hairs!

    You can always rely on a Busser play for a real good laugh, and this dark, devil of a play will have audiences giggling throughout.
    At what price does vanity come? Pretty high if you want to look pretty like Bill here.
    Hilarious, just damned hilarious, and I'm not splitting hairs!

  • Christopher Plumridge: I Hate Your Cat

    Never get between a cat and it's owner!
    Brilliant back and forth in this break up comedy. Love it!

    Never get between a cat and it's owner!
    Brilliant back and forth in this break up comedy. Love it!

  • Christopher Plumridge: LMK

    From just about the funniest opening stage direction I've ever read, this hilarious play by Dawn had me chuckling throughout!
    It's 411 A.D and these three characters have cell phones and there the fun lays in a quick back and forth of messages in this bizarre love triangle.
    I would love to read more on this theme, maybe Shakespeare's Much Ado being given this treatment, notes being replaced by quick witted text messages?
    Brilliantly fun!

    From just about the funniest opening stage direction I've ever read, this hilarious play by Dawn had me chuckling throughout!
    It's 411 A.D and these three characters have cell phones and there the fun lays in a quick back and forth of messages in this bizarre love triangle.
    I would love to read more on this theme, maybe Shakespeare's Much Ado being given this treatment, notes being replaced by quick witted text messages?
    Brilliantly fun!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Jacquie Floyd Sent Me

    The Queen of Crime strikes again!
    And in what seems like a straight forward witness relocation program, in no time at all we are on a roller coaster of twists and double crossings, such is a ride with a RFW crime caper.
    And I thought Mrs Floyd was a mild mannered writer/actor... remind me not to cross this version of her!

    The Queen of Crime strikes again!
    And in what seems like a straight forward witness relocation program, in no time at all we are on a roller coaster of twists and double crossings, such is a ride with a RFW crime caper.
    And I thought Mrs Floyd was a mild mannered writer/actor... remind me not to cross this version of her!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Lenny and Jenny

    This short, tense play is a curious tale of cat and mouse set in difficult circumstances. The tables are turned as often as those in the bar where this takes place.
    This will have audiences guessing the whole way through, it has me.
    Great stuff!

    This short, tense play is a curious tale of cat and mouse set in difficult circumstances. The tables are turned as often as those in the bar where this takes place.
    This will have audiences guessing the whole way through, it has me.
    Great stuff!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Sacrifice

    Horror/comedy at its best! I love the set up, a scaficial slaughter to the great deity, only for both the Acolytes and the sacrifice herself arguing semantics with the Leader. Jacquie tackles this with total hilarity, in perfect Python sketch style but with her own unique slant.
    With a nod to Prilliaman noted too... I would love to read a Priskorn/Prillaman comedy horror collaboration....if they are up for it....!

    Horror/comedy at its best! I love the set up, a scaficial slaughter to the great deity, only for both the Acolytes and the sacrifice herself arguing semantics with the Leader. Jacquie tackles this with total hilarity, in perfect Python sketch style but with her own unique slant.
    With a nod to Prilliaman noted too... I would love to read a Priskorn/Prillaman comedy horror collaboration....if they are up for it....!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Goldilocks and the Three Bowls of Ramen

    This is such a fun, tour-de-force, take on Goldilocks! I love how the characters interact with the narrator and said Miss Lock's attitude throughout is hilarious!
    Throw in some extra characters - a flower with feet (why not), a song bird who cannot sing and a completely missed placed baddy and you have the makings of a very funny short play for kids that adults will also adore.
    Mr Norkin at his best, love it!

    This is such a fun, tour-de-force, take on Goldilocks! I love how the characters interact with the narrator and said Miss Lock's attitude throughout is hilarious!
    Throw in some extra characters - a flower with feet (why not), a song bird who cannot sing and a completely missed placed baddy and you have the makings of a very funny short play for kids that adults will also adore.
    Mr Norkin at his best, love it!

  • Christopher Plumridge: For Old Time's Sake

    What a unique and wonderful short play this is! Thea returns after many years to her roots, to find and old friend. When she does things have changed, like so often they do.
    The mind boggles with the many ways this play could be staged, and producers and lightning crew can have a field day bringing this play to life.
    A heartfelt, atmospheric piece of performance play, a sheer delight!

    What a unique and wonderful short play this is! Thea returns after many years to her roots, to find and old friend. When she does things have changed, like so often they do.
    The mind boggles with the many ways this play could be staged, and producers and lightning crew can have a field day bringing this play to life.
    A heartfelt, atmospheric piece of performance play, a sheer delight!

  • Christopher Plumridge: Haunted

    What a pragmatic Victorian ghost Monica makes!
    This is a clever little monologue, as we watch Monica adjust, easily, to modern times, yet is both bewildered and impressed at the freedom of modern times.
    I would love for Monica to spook our theatres too. Love her!

    What a pragmatic Victorian ghost Monica makes!
    This is a clever little monologue, as we watch Monica adjust, easily, to modern times, yet is both bewildered and impressed at the freedom of modern times.
    I would love for Monica to spook our theatres too. Love her!