Recommended by Jaxson Mackling

  • Malcolm's in Here
    12 Jun. 2023
    MACOLM’S IN HERE by Dzubak is a short comedy that begs the question, “What does it mean to walk in on someone in the bathroom?” though Cole takes it to a whole new level of humor where he makes the person in the bathroom unseen. Is Malcolm a ghost or just another person in need of privacy? DZUBAK’s comedy is perfect for a night of short plays or even a anthology! Bravo!
  • Battle of the Karens (from the THE WRINKLE RANCH AND OTHER PLAYS ABOUT GROWING OLD collection)
    10 Jun. 2023
    What hilarity!! I laughed nearly the whole way through! COLE’s play “Battle of The Karens” is one of truest acts I’ve seen. No need to call your manager, Deb’s got this in the bag! Order your copy of “The Wrinkle Ranch And Other Plays About Growing Old”. You won’t want to miss this opportunity of production! Brava!
  • Blood Pact
    3 Jun. 2023
    O my god! Becca is one crazed woman. A ravishing and entertaining thriller that would terrify anyone who got close to Phillip…but why? Produce COLE’s short play “Blood Pact” to find out. Deb is one heck a master! To say brava would be an understatement! Well done!
  • For Leonora, or, Companions
    3 Jun. 2023
    "For Leonora, or, Companions" by Hayley St. James was absolutely beautiful! No wonder it's their favorite, it's now mine of their collection. ...What magic realism!
    A lovely full-length play about the wonders of many spectrums and finding yourself inside of them. Two perfectly crafted women, dealing with the struggles of everyday life. What MASTERPIECE.

    If you haven't heard of Hayley St. James, you are seriously living under a rock. I could talk about their pieces all day! Oh, and while you're at it, go ahead and add "For Leonora, or, Companions" to your theatre's radar of future plays!
  • Mother
    2 Jun. 2023
    What a hilarious delight of a two-minute two hander! PRISKORN’s short play, “Mother” plays into a child interviewing his new potential mother, and what treat it is! Feels to me like one of those old timey videos of children who think they know a little too much! Brava!
  • Professor Princess
    29 May. 2023
    As a person who didn’t read the series, this piece just like a hilarious young child’s comedy, though as I dove deeper into the story, I came to realize the true meaning and purpose of this play. PRISKORN answers it so beautifully - almost with poise and precision like a true princess, though gives the audience something to truly walk away with.

    “What does it mean for an actor to audition for a role, while still having the courage to fight for what they believe in?”

    A truly empowering marvel for three actors to sink their teeth into!
  • Melt
    29 May. 2023
    O MY GOD! WHAT THE-….totally did not see that coming…
    Kniess’ play “Melt” packs a good punch of heartfelt emotion yet horrifying intention that is just too sweet to not sink your teeth into.

    A witty deep comedy full of humor and darkness! Produce this play, I beg of you! You will not be disappointed!
  • Lady of the Manor
    29 May. 2023
    All the history, in a ten-minute! Wow! What a hoot! COLE’s ten-minute play “Lady Of The Manor” is a cute little piece that is full is hilarity and history that people would love. Deb makes it fun for everyone - even the non-history-buffs! A lovely piece perfect for an evening of plays! Brava! Well done my Lady Cole! Ha!
    29 May. 2023
    MILICH’s short play, “Practice Makes Perfect” answers the question, “What does it mean when you secretly love someone you can’t have?” and she answers it perfectly through a simple and witty straightforward good time! The ending will make you laugh as it did me!

    A wonderfully written play, perfect for a night of plays or even anthology! Brava!
  • Casting
    28 May. 2023
    PRISKORN’s two-minute play “Casting” hits all the right notes. For woman’s casting, the Hollywood and Fashion industries are sometimes cruel and don’t make room for the so-called “fat girl” but Priskorn tackles this issue with grace and positivity. Girls unite! Beautifully written. Perfect for a night of shorts or anthology.
