Recommended by Chelsea Frandsen

  • A Spirited Manor - A Victorian Penny Dreadful
    22 Mar. 2021
    As an unabashed fan of the Penny Dreadful I can't recommend this play enough! Danley has a marvelous talent painting pictures with words(both in the dialogue and stage directions), and the play as a whole is a designer and director's dream!
    18 Mar. 2021
    A powerful look at a piece of political history that isn't talked about as much as it should be. What an important play--especially now. Produce this and produce it often!
  • Madame
    18 Mar. 2021
    A fantastic play about the relationship between a mother and her daughter and the ambitions of youth versus the lessons learned with age. These are two women I would love to know more about.
  • Rumplestiltskin's Fire
    18 Mar. 2021
    What a fun show! Ilana Lydia has written a beautiful fairy tale with fantastic dynamic characters and a wonderfully interwoven plot that would be a delight to watch onstage.
  • Buried Roots
    17 Mar. 2021
    How far would you go and what would you do to find out who you are? How does the lack of certain privileges effect the lives of those who don't have them? What exactly is "Family"? Johnson tackles the answers to the these questions in this wonderfully moving play.
  • Fabuloso!
    17 Mar. 2021
    Fast-paced, hilarious and full of twists, this play made me laugh and think at the same time. Sure, it's a comedy, but this play also says very important things about the inequality that exists in terms of race and the wage gap that exists in certain industries. Would love to see this play on it's feet!
  • Codename: White Mouse
    17 Mar. 2021
    I have an unabashed obsession with WWII and Nancy Wake and was overjoyed to find this piece! Nancy Wake is a woman to be reckoned with and Rachel Bublitz is the amazing woman to tell her story! The plot moves at a heart racing clip and anyone who loves spy stories will eat this one up.
  • A Cage of Fireflies
    17 Mar. 2021
    Oh my heart! This is one of the most achingly beautiful pieces I've read in awhile. The struggle of these sisters is so heartfelt i found myself rooting for each of them. Akiyama has a gift for storytelling that should be seen on stage multiple times.
    16 Mar. 2021
    The fact that this the direction we are heading only adds to the realism of this comedy, which crackles with political and cultural commentary even as it makes me laugh.
  • Ballad of the White Tiger
    16 Mar. 2021
    What a poignant, beautiful and important piece of work! I felt for both Yuki and Hana, and the plot kept me riveted. Keiko Green takes us on a beautiful journey about family and figuring out who you truly are. This is a piece I would love to see on it's feet!
