Recommended by Arianna Rose

  • 2 Long Term Dads Looking . . . .
    24 Sep. 2023
    Lee Lawing has a knack for writing relatable characters in believable situations. Everything is on point here - the two men, the social media references, and the story. Fun twist at the end in this short and succinct tale of how families of all kinds come to be. Lawing expertly brings Ian and Charles to life with sharp dialogue. 2 Long Term Dads Looking...would be a wonderful addition to any festival.
  • SCARS - a monologue
    23 Sep. 2023
    I have the great privilege of knowing the playwright and this story. Marj O'Neill-Butler writes with searing clarity, spareness, and lack of sentimentality, which makes SCARS all the more affecting. A truly magnificent monologue. As someone who was also caregiver to a husband who suffered a stroke, O'Neill-Butler writes with great truth and dignity. Everyone can relate to the internal scars we carry around. Bravo.
  • Dungeons, Dragons and Daquiris
    12 Sep. 2023
    Cocktail parties and mythical and non-mythical creatures all dwell in the fertile imagination of Rachel Feeny-Williams. A delightful short play about an ordinary couple conversation, made unique and heightened by it's Dungeons and Dragons framework. I enjoyed every line and would love to see this on stage. Read, produce, and hope you make the invitation list!
  • FRIENDLY SKY'S- 10-Minute, two high school lovers meet in an empty airport
    12 Sep. 2023
    Playwright Tom Erb has delivered a tense, taut play with a twist at the end that will make you jump. I could visualize this as a film noir. Perfectly set in an airport, Friendly Sky's is a perfect metaphor for this exploration of past love between Rita and Tim.
  • Mick Jagger is Eighty Years Old - A Monologue
    7 Sep. 2023
    A sumptuous feast of a monologue. I've been fortunate to hear this monologue read aloud in our writers group and it hits all the feels every time. Relatable for everyone who loves music, the Stones, grooves to I-IV-V7-I, or is just plain groovy. This will be a hit on the monologue circuit, and deservedly so, as playwright Robert Weibezahl crafts yet another piece with precision, theatricality, and relatability. Read! Perform! Produce!
  • Eden 2
    3 Sep. 2023
    A well-crafted play that is both deadly serious and funny. At times bleak, at times uplifting, playwright Morey Norkin has written a beyond-cautionary tale about beginnings, endings, and exploring both the best and worst of humanity. At least Eve has that Costco membership! Highly recommended. Read and produce.
  • Little Black Dress
    26 Aug. 2023
    A stunning piece of work from a writer who couldn't write a false beat if they tried. Playwright John Mabey once again makes me question my own writing career with a short play so perfect, so full of subtext and humanity, that grown humans will weep. A fantastic twist, an opportunity for two humans - Zoe and Doug - to bridge the gap that secrets create. This play deserves many productions and all the accolades. The stage directions are as much fun to read as the play, and have a whole world within them as well. Read, weep, smile.
    14 Aug. 2023
    This is now officially my favorite piece of work on New Play Exchange. Dramatist Paul Smith has crafted an exquisite monologue about growing up, siblings, pop idols, first crushes, and ruminations on sexual orientation. A wonderful monologue for any actor and director to work with. On a more personal note, I have been a huge and enduring Donny Osmond fan for over 50 years and have had the good fortune to see him perform, and meet him many times. He is just as lovely as his persona. You chose well, Paul Smith.
    7 Aug. 2023
    This is one of the funniest 10-minute plays I've ever read. It's so good, I kept thinking, "Darn it, why didn't I think of this idea?" Playwright Philip Kaplan expertly skews both holiday photo cards and Diane Arbus photography. I would LOVE to see this play performed. A master class in comedy writing in the ten-minute form!
  • The Dieting of Anne Frank: An Autocorrected Play
    6 Aug. 2023
    It takes a brilliant mind to conceive of this idea and an even more brilliant playwright to pull/pall/palaver it off. Playwright John Busser excels/expat/exists on both counts, creating an autocorrect play that is both hysterical and incredibly smart with the subject matter choice. Read it and produce/proctor/proselytize.
