Recommended by Christopher Plumridge

  • How to Talk to Your Child About BDSM
    28 Jul. 2022
    Even the title of this play made me chuckle and the play that follows is totally hilarious! Their poor son walking in on his parents in this set up and their reasoning for it are extremely funny, the poor lad soon forgets his nightmare! I would pay good money to see this staged! BRILLIANT!!
  • Aloha Apocalypse (Ten Minute Play)
    27 Jul. 2022
    If there's a lesson to be learned from this dark yet funny two hander is that it's better to have sex than talk when faced with an imminent apocalypse!
    No doubt in such a situation we will be overwhelmed with so many emotions, but it's the distance from our loved ones which must hurt the most. A great play!
  • Potato Salad with Raisins (MONOLOGUE)
    27 Jul. 2022
    The fact that there are plays about school shootings is heartbreaking. Paul depicts one mother as she tries to clear up after all the food the well wishing neighbours have donated, a true yet surreal backdrop to the horror which she has had to endure and the grief which follows. Very moving.
  • Midnight Mass (MONOLOGUE)
    27 Jul. 2022
    So much back story told so vividly in such a short monologue. This is a stunning monologue because although this man's sin is terrible you can't help but understand why he did it, and you back him.
    Also I'm in awe of those who keep their faith, not just in their god but also in humanity, after such awful abuse in the ones they should trust.
  • Where the Fireworks Come From
    27 Jul. 2022
    What better setting than waiting outside your house for the 4th July fireworks, for this beautiful two hander Michael has treated us to. Tony and Gabe's conversation is natural yet strained and you can't help feel for them both as they look into the next step in their young lives. A lovely short play.
  • Reap What You Sow (a short play)
    27 Jul. 2022
    Oh poor AJ really gets what's coming to him, in the back of his taxi of all places. As the 'not so grim' reaper brings in his family and faces from the past AJ can only sit back and listen. The reaper is a wonderful character and I would love to see this staged! Great Halloween fun!
  • Virgins
    27 Jul. 2022
    Pre wedding nerves are something most married couples will have surely experienced, and quite possibly some had this very fear that holds poor Bonnie back. Que big Sis to come in to try to rescue the situation. This is such a beautiful 2 hander which left me smiling broadly, read it for yourself to see if Bonnie gives her groom a similar smile. I love it!
  • Four Play
    27 Jul. 2022
    FOUR PLAY is a wonderfully titled, will they won't they, naughty dance of a play! I love the interaction between Train and Plume in thier immoral conversation, only for the tables to be turned when they see what their respective partners are up to! Clever and very unique, I love it!
  • Zombie Barbie (a monologue)
    26 Jul. 2022
    I love this Zombie Barbie doll so much, with such a healthy dose of sarcasm running throughout this hilarious monologue. Seldom have I laughed out loud just by reading the very first line! I'm still not sure how a doll became a Zombie, but, (guttural gargle burp) do I f**king care? Brilliant!
  • Woops! I Slept with a Zombie [Monologue]
    26 Jul. 2022
    In this very funny Zombie monologue, Rachel depicts these creatures going through their change in such a sympathetic way they you can't help but feel for them. Her narrator Clara, regrets her choice of one night stand for far different ways than normal, yet at the same time her reasoning is just the same as the pre apocalypse era! A great audition monologue!
