Recommended by Christopher Plumridge

  • Flight of Fancy
    3 Mar. 2022
    As an engineer working in airline safety I'm not sure if I want to fly with Bailout Airlines even if the flight attendants are extremely attractive! Flight of Fancy is a fun play, firstly we see an English teacher boarding his very first flight, finding his seat and becoming increasingly nervous as the flight safety presentations are being made. What follows is a sweet dissection of human emotions as the seemingly robotic attendant slowly becomes more human. I would love to see this staged!
  • Is it Enough
    28 Feb. 2022
    IS IT ENOUGH, is a deeply troubling story written so acutely, so powerful. The audience will no doubt feel uncomfortable watching this great play, yet they will feel engrossed and compelled to find out what happens. Setting it in the 1960's is inspired, you are shown just how attitudes were back then and how far they have improved, still a long way to go of course. This play is superb, do give it a read!
  • Joey Age 11
    28 Feb. 2022
    Joey aged 11 becomes so brave, or so resigned, probably both, that he plans his escape. But at what cost? This series is truly remarkable, I've come to realise that Joe forces you into the story, very uncomfortably, as the imaginary friend. This is required, because how else can we even get close to understanding what Joey went through. And just like the imaginary friend you want to help but feel utterly useless. Stunning.
  • Can You Hear Me Now?
    28 Feb. 2022
    What a wonderful short comedy of two scientists on the brink of the next greatest invention this is! Then, as quick as their invention becomes established they find new possible ways of using this revolutionary equipment, what wonderful foresight these two have! I actually feel slightly ashamed that I write this recommendation on my phone with just my thumbs! A great play!
  • The Alien Collector
    26 Feb. 2022
    Ha! This is a wonderful funny short play, with a great, turnip inspired twist! The galaxy may well be a safer place for us humans if all the aliens are vegan! I am always impressed at how writers come up with wonderful, fresh ideas, and this is no exception!
  • Birthday Beer
    26 Feb. 2022
    Awww I love this! And in the best way the author totally had me fooled, what seemed like to be one of those 'one way unrequited love' scenarios turned into something quite unexpected and beautiful! So heart warming!
  • Last Ship to Proxima Centauri
    23 Feb. 2022
    As a big fan of the UK comedy Red Dwarf I totally enjoyed this daft farce of a wonderful Sci-fi play! Arriving on a planet 165 years to late is, let's face it, a tad rude, but that's not why the inhabitants are concerned! Such a funny play which also delves deep into inherent racism and flips it on its head. Great fun!
  • The Owl Who Saw The World
    23 Feb. 2022
    I love this monologue! I can see it being staged, someone dressed as an owl perched in a tree who suddenly realizes just what pain and suffering it's kind has inflicted on lesser mortals! Maybe we should take heed of this wise owl, or will our hunger prevail more? A great, thought provoking monologue.
  • Inspiration
    22 Feb. 2022
    INSPIRATION by Rachel lives up to it's title, the way this play is staged and having the lead character narrate his story while also acting it out is inspirational. You can't help but feel for Nick, from the very beginning you're on his side wanting to guide him in the big lights of London, then you're challenged by the arrival of Jack. What follows is a twist on the film Fight Club, but in the end you question fiction against the truth. A cleverly written play which would be captivating to watch!
  • The Sugar Ridge Rag
    22 Feb. 2022
    This is such a beautiful play in so many ways, one way that stands out for me is the love in this family that weaves its way through the story and holds them all close. The twins share an unbreakable bond even when they go their separate, and desperate ways in life. Also this play is so evocatively told, reading this I felt every hug, heard every gun shot and every note from the Steinway. Simply beautiful.
