The theatricality at play here is so vivid and compelling. This genre bending story unfolds with some many themes that the creative mind hungers to answer. Sam Heyman has this wonderful stylistic trait where characters are challenged with issues that seem impossible to face but each of them are revealed through their strengths and weaknesses and why it makes them who they are and who they strive to become. Really intriguing characters, wonderfully crafted dialogue, and an overall amazing journey for audiences to take.
The theatricality at play here is so vivid and compelling. This genre bending story unfolds with some many themes that the creative mind hungers to answer. Sam Heyman has this wonderful stylistic trait where characters are challenged with issues that seem impossible to face but each of them are revealed through their strengths and weaknesses and why it makes them who they are and who they strive to become. Really intriguing characters, wonderfully crafted dialogue, and an overall amazing journey for audiences to take.