Foglia's rich and honest tale of Mac, about to embark on his own personal time-traveling journey, is a reflection on humanity. Through this quest for memory and identity, the dynamic storytelling will undoubtedly evoke similar questions for the audience. The text resonates profoundly like a Debussy song, with light, delicate strokes connecting deep undertones of reflection and introspection. Dog Museum is a daring cut directly to the core of humanity.
Foglia's rich and honest tale of Mac, about to embark on his own personal time-traveling journey, is a reflection on humanity. Through this quest for memory and identity, the dynamic storytelling will undoubtedly evoke similar questions for the audience. The text resonates profoundly like a Debussy song, with light, delicate strokes connecting deep undertones of reflection and introspection. Dog Museum is a daring cut directly to the core of humanity.